Day 10: July 24, 2010
- Shot video of 'Gesture Warden' performing mocap gestures
- Edited 'Gesture Warden' gesture videos
- Imported video into PureData application, and tested with the robot
Video Shoot: Gesture Warden
- Recorded video clips of 'Gesture Warden' avatar while it performed gestures imported from BVH files (from mocap session on Day 5)
- Ken manually triggered the various gestures (while logged in as Gesture Warden), while Judith's avatar served as a 'camera'.
- Employed CaptureMe screen capture software to record video externally from Judith's Second Life window. Originally planned to shoot video internally within Second Life (via machinima camera), but this would be too time-consuming for this iteration.
- Used starry night sky as background (for optimal contrast)
- Captured video at 960x540 resolution, at 24 fps.
Editing of Gesture Warden Videos:
View imagesImport of Video into PureData:
View imagesReferences:
CaptureMe Screen Capture Software: